Wednesday, October 31, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 31st


Had a good weigh in for the "Biggest Loser" contest today. Lost 5 pounds since last weigh in for a total of 11 pounds.

 Gained a pound due to the Halloween activities at work. Had 4 slices of pizza with my Cinch shake for lunch after the pumpkin toss.

Had a late dinner which was one of my favorites, chilli.

Got to buckle down. Six weeks left to the contest. I'll find out my standing tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 30th


Move in the right direction. Was hoping to do a little better with the next weigh in for the Biggest Loser tomorrow.  Little losses are better than no loss or a gain.

Did my "stair master training" during lunch at work. Too windy outside to walk from the effects from hurricane Sandy. Up and down 5 flights of stairs 7 times. Also did the treadmill after dinner and burned 550 calories and walked 2 3/4 miles.

Did the usual Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch. Had leftover salmon, spanish rice, and peas for dinner.

Got my Cinch Transformation Pack today. Two canisters of Cinch shake mix, 3 boxes of snack bars,
2 boxes of meal bars, a bottle of boost, and a box of shake mix packets for shakes on the go or lunch box.

The meal bars do the same thing as a shake, high protein and luecine to retain lean muscle. They'll come in handy when I'm working outside next week on Santa's house at Daley Plaza and when I work the radiology show at McCormick Place Thanksgiving week.

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 29th


 Slight up-tick probably due to the excellent pot roast we had for dinner. Didn't change a thing in my routine, although I did have some dry roasted peanuts and some fresh strawberries.

Weigh in on Wednesday. Need to behave myself and not over do it food wise.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 28th


Not a bad number to end the weekend on.

Can't say I didn't get enough exercise this weekend.

Saturday blew, raked and carried leaves in a tarp to the curb for almost the entire yard. I then went for a 3 mile walk.

Sunday went for a 5 mile walk, then cut the grass for the last time this year. Also cleaned the leaves off the pool cover.

Had my Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch both days. Saturday was pizza night at Aurelio's which I kind of tried to eat with moderation. Also gave in to a small piece of chocolate cream pie. Sunday we had baked salmon, baked potato and peas.

Speaking of exercise, it's key to any diet plan. Any exercise is better than nothing. As good as the Cinch plan is one still needs to exercise even if it's only 30 minutes a day.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 27th


Busy day. Worked Crete Lions Recycle Center for 4 hours, blew and raked leaves, carried them to the curb (3 hours) and walked for an hour. Burned some calories!

All I had for meals were Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch. Today's weight doesn't take into account the Aurelios pizza I'll be having for dinner.

I've got a weigh in coming up on Wednesday for the Biggest Loser contest at work. Gotta try to behave myself for that.

At the Shaklee Global Conference it was mentioned that a lot of Olympic athletes use Shaklee supplements. They take Shaklee supplements because they are proven to be pure and free of substances that could be deemed illegal by the Olympic Committee.

During the event they had a live video interview from London with some of the athletes that took Shaklee supplements. They interviewed members of the gold medal winning women's rowing team and a medal winning member of the sharpshooter/skiing team. During these interviews it was mentioned that Cinch shakes were used for quick recovery after training workouts. I must confess I feel energized after drinking my morning shake.

Friday, October 26, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 26th


Exactly where I was last Friday.

Same routine: Cinch shake for breakfast and lunch. Cinch snack bar and an apple for breaks.

Went for a 30 minute walk at lunch. Burned 500 calories on the treadmill.

That's a loss of 21 pounds since August 12th. I definitely feel better, both physically and mentally. Even after losing 10 pounds I could feel the difference. During the softball season I played outfield and felt like I had gained a step after a 10 pound loss. I can hardly wait till next season when I'll be playing at 185 or less. I'll have to maintain that weight for 4 1/2 months when the season starts.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet -October 25th


Tried Cinch shakes Latte and Vanilla mixed this morning for breakfast. Not bad! Had my favorite Cinch snack bar, chocolate for break and a chocolate Cinch shake for  lunch. Dinner consisted of a couple chicken fingers, spanish rice and broccoli.

Exercise wise I walked 2 miles at lunch time and 2 3/4 miles and 500 calories on the treadmill.

With all the walking I do, I don't really experience any joint pain or soreness. I credit this to the Shaklee Joint Health Complex supplement that I started taking about a year and a half ago. I noticed almost immediate results after taking it for only 5 days. When warming up for softball it used to take 20 to 30 throws to loosen up my arm. After taking the Joint Health Complex, I had free movement after 5 to 10 throws. It also affected my knees. I had freer movement during games, but the big plus was how I felt the next morning. I could actually get out of bed without pain and with minimal stiffness in my knees. This is one supplement I don't want to do without.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 24th


Back on track!

This week is starting to mirror the way last week went.

It was almost 80 degrees out today so I walked outside at lunch time. Walked for 30 minutes, approximately 2 miles. Walked again after dinner and took my long walk route 3.1 miles. I've found I walk about a mile every 15 minutes.

Did my usual Cinch shakes in the morning and for lunch. Had a Cinch snack bar at A.M. break and an apple  and energy tea for afternoon break.

Work load today was more physical than usual with a lot of heavy lifting.

Hope to drop below 190 by the weekend.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 23rd


Latte shake in the morning, chocolate Cinch Snack Bar for morning break and a chocolate shake for lunch. Had an apple, Cinch pomegranate energy tea and a handful of peanuts in the shell for afternoon break.

Took a 25 minute walk at lunch, approximately a mile and a half. Burned 480 calories on the treadmill. Forty minutes and 2 1/2 miles.

Chiseling away to get back to my previous losses. gotta learn to discipline myself a little better at those family gatherings.

Monday, October 22, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 22nd



Caused a lot of damage to my diet this weekend. Most of it from the birthday party on Sunday. Italian sausage, mashed potatoes, chocolate cream pie, 3 Sam Adams and chips and salsa were the weapons of diet destruction.

I've been adding cinnamon  and pumpkin pie spice to my vanilla shakes lately for a delicious change of pace. I will also occasionally have a chocolate latte shake for breakfast by mixing  a scoop of each with my 8 oz. of milk.

Couldn't walk outside during lunch today because it was raining. Instead, I stayed inside and walked up 5 flights of stairs, walked the length of the building and back, down 5 flights of stairs in the opposite stairwell, across the basement and back up again. Did that 7 times, took about 28 minutes. Figured it to be about 4/5 of a mile. Good workout.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Shaklee Transformation Diet

My wife Linda and I are distributors for Shaklee. Last August we attended the Shaklee Global Conference in Las Vegas. The theme for this years conference was "Transformation".

The meaning of "transformation" could be taken on may levels.  The topics this applied to included transforming your business, your mind set, your health and your body. Transforming my body is going to be the focus of this blog.

At the Global Conference Expo among other things there was a Shaklee Cinch exhibit were attendees could pledge the amount of weight they intended to lose (transform) using the Cinch Program. I use a lot of the Shaklee health and supplement products already, but had not used the Cinch diet products. I felt this was a good opportunity to try them. I pledged 20 pounds, wanting to get to a weight of 185.

I was in for a surprise when we got home from the conference. I weighed in a little heavier than I thought I weighed. I stepped on the scale at 212!  Twenty pounds only put me at 192, seven pounds short of my goal. so, on August 12th, my quest for my ideal weight began.

I started the Cinch weight loss program on Monday morning, August 13th. The Cinch plan consists of a shake and a 3-in-1 boost supplement to replace two meals during the day and a regular meal plus the 3-in-1 boost supplement. I do my shakes and boost for breakfast and lunch and have a dinner.

The shakes contain protein to keep you full. They also contain  leucine to help preserve muscle  and keep your metabolism up. The 3-in-1 boost, boosts metabolism, keeps blood sugar steady, and gives you the vitamins and minerals you need.

For exercise, I walk 2 to 3 miles a day during the week, except the days when I play softball. On weekends I try to walk 4 to 5 miles a day.

Since I started this blog in the middle of the plan, I'll give my weekly totals up to today, October 21st.

August 13th         212.0
August 20th         204.8     big loss at the beginning, don't expect it to be this easy
August 27th         203.2
September 3rd     201.0
September 10th   200.4
September 17th   198.0     thought I hit a wall but finally broke the 200 lb. barrier
September 24th   197.4     Lowest I've weighed in 12 years

At this point, my place of work decided to have a biggest loser's contest, starting on September 26th.
I decided to enter even though I'd already lost nearly 15 pounds. I usually weigh in the evening before my shower in my hanes. The night before weigh in at work I was at 197.8. At weigh in minus shoes I was at 202.8.

October 1st          195.2
October 8th         195.6     Tough week, grand daughters 1st birthday party
October 9th         196.6    started walking at lunch at work, treadmill after work
October 15th       195.4
October 16th       194.2
October 17th       194.8
October 18th       191.8    Don't know what happened here, didn,t do anything different
                                         reached 20 pound weight loss goal, on to 185 and beyond
October 19th       191.2
October 20th       189.0    Wow, don't know when I last saw these numbers
Today                  190.0     Daughters birthday party, Good food, Chocolate Cream pie (my favorite)                                              Don't expect tomorrows numbers to be good