Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - October 27th


Busy day. Worked Crete Lions Recycle Center for 4 hours, blew and raked leaves, carried them to the curb (3 hours) and walked for an hour. Burned some calories!

All I had for meals were Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch. Today's weight doesn't take into account the Aurelios pizza I'll be having for dinner.

I've got a weigh in coming up on Wednesday for the Biggest Loser contest at work. Gotta try to behave myself for that.

At the Shaklee Global Conference it was mentioned that a lot of Olympic athletes use Shaklee supplements. They take Shaklee supplements because they are proven to be pure and free of substances that could be deemed illegal by the Olympic Committee.

During the event they had a live video interview from London with some of the athletes that took Shaklee supplements. They interviewed members of the gold medal winning women's rowing team and a medal winning member of the sharpshooter/skiing team. During these interviews it was mentioned that Cinch shakes were used for quick recovery after training workouts. I must confess I feel energized after drinking my morning shake.

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