Friday, November 30, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 30th


Went to dinner after work with the wife and 2of my daughters at my favorite restaurant  Aurelio's Pizza. Went at 7:00so it was a late dinner. No workout tonight so no chance to work it off. Did work pretty hard at work so it could be worse. Gonna have to work hard for the next week and a half to show a decent loss in the "Biggest Loser" contest.

Had a Cinch cafe latte shake for breakfast, a chocolate snack bar for morning break, a blueberry almond crunch meal bar for lunch, a lemon cranberry snack bar for afternoon break and an apple at 4:30 break and then pizza for dinner.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - Novevember 29th


Results of yesterdays weigh in were posted this afternoon.  I still lead with a 9.94% weight loss. Second place was at 7.75% and third was at 4.90%. Last weigh in is December 12th.

Had a shake for breakfast, a snack bar for AM break, 8 pieces of pizza for lunch an apple for PM break, and a shake for dinner. That pizza may have still been sticking with me even after my workout.

Skipped walking the stairs at lunch in favor of pizza. Walked on the treadmill after my shake dinner for 52 minutes and burned 600 calories.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 28th


Did well at the weigh in today with a loss of 4.4 pounds since the last weigh in 2 weeks ago. That makes a total of 19 pounds since September 23rd when the contest started. Pretty sure I padded my lead when the second place loser said he only lost 1 pound. Two more weeks till the final weigh in and I want to get to 178. Don't think that will be a problem.

Held off having breakfast till 9:45 after my weigh in. Had a blueberry almond crunch meal bar. For lunch I had a Cinch chocolate shake. For afternoon break I had an apple. For dinner we had beef tenderloin, broccoli and mashed potato's. Snacked on some dry roasted peanuts tonight.

Did 5 flights of stairs at work 6 times. Walked on the treadmill for 56 minutes and burned 600 calories.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 27th


Wow, didn't think I would be able to drop below 181.

This blog is pretty much a review of the Shaklee Cinch weight loss program and I must say it's lived up to my expectations. At times it seems I can lose weight almost at will. If you follow Shaklee's directions for the program, you will lose weight. I probably exercise a little bit on the excessive side and average about 2.5 pounds a week. Following Shaklee's plan you should lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. The key is you must exercise and it can be as simple as walking which is what I do.

Today I had my Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch. I had a Cinch chocolate snack bar for morning break and raw carrots for afternoon break. I had leftover spaghetti and meatballs for dinner minus the garlic bread.

Did the same workout as I did yesterday. Up and down 5 flights of stairs 7 times. Walked on the treadmill after dinner for 60 minutes and burned 705 calories.

Monday, November 26, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 26th


Got a weigh in coming up on Wednesday for the "Biggest Loser" contest. Would like to weigh in at 180.4 or less but don't think it's gonna happen. I'll show a loss but it won't be as much as I'd like. Thanksgiving really set me back. I've got just over 2 weeks till the contest ends (Dec. 12th).

Did 7 trips up and down 5 flights of stairs at work today. Had not done that in a while but need to get rid of the damage I did Thanksgiving. Walked on the treadmill for an hour and burned 700 calories. Surprised I only lost .4 pounds from yesterday.

Had a chocolate cafe latte shake for breakfast, a peanut butter crunch snack bar for morning break, a vanilla shake for lunch and an apple for afternoon break. For dinner, spaghetti and meatballs and 2 pieces of garlic bread. Went light on the spaghetti and probably shouldn't have had the 2nd piece of garlic bread.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 25th


I can finally post and get back to my normal schedule. Because of my work schedule during the set up of the Radiology show, I was not able to post to this blog or do any walking Thursday, Friday or Saturday. I did manage to stay on my Shaklee Cinch program. I would have a shake in the morning and have meal bars for lunch and dinner. It wasn't convenient to have shakes on the job.

Did a lot of damage Thanksgiving. I was up to almost 186 pounds! I had my usual shake in the morning before work, a meal bar for lunch, then home by 2:30 for Thanksgiving dinner.

Today (Sunday) I had my first day off in a couple weeks. I had Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch. We then had Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner. I took it easy this time and didn't over do it.

Walked on the treadmill for the first time since Wednesday. Walked for 50 minutes and burned 600 calories.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 21st


Gained a little, must not have worked as hard last night.

Started my day at 8:00, Had a vanilla shake with cinnamon and pumpkin spice (tis' the season). Walked on the treadmill for 42 minutes and burned 500 calories.

Yesterdays eats:

Breakfast - Chocolate shake
11:00 - lemon snack bar
2:30 - 6 inch Spicy Italian for Subway
4:30 - raw carrots
6:30 - Peanut butter chocolate chip meal bar
9:30 - an apple

Have to work till 10:00 tonight and work 6am till 2pm Thanksgiving. Rough schedule.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 20th


Got up at 8:00 and had a Cinch cafe latte/chocolate shake, then walked on the treadmill for 42 minutes and burned 500 calories. So far so good going into the holiday.

Yesterdays eating schedule:

Breakfast - Chocolate shake
8:00 - chocolate snack bar
9:45 - 2 mini oranges
2:30 - Peanut butter chocolate chip meal bar
4:30 - raw carrots
6:30 dinner - Blueberry almond crunch meal bar
9:30 - an apple

Had a glass of wine and some dry roasted peanuts when I got home at 12:30 and went to bed at 1:00 am.

Two more days of this grueling schedule.

Monday, November 19, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 19th

184.2 last night
183.4 at 4:30 this morning

My schedule got turned upside down. Working noon to midnight Mon. thru Wed. Started at 6 a.m. today so no walking. I'll be walking in the morning Tuesday and Wednesday so I'll be weighing myself afterwards before I go to work. With Thursday being Thanksgiving I wont be walking then either. Friday and Saturday will be long days and probably won't walk then either. Just hope I don't do much damage Thanksgiving.

I'll be doing my Cinch shakes in the morning and Cinch meal-in-a-bar for lunch. I'll be picking up a sub sandwich from Subway for dinner on Tues. and Wed.

I'll be posting my weights in the morning those 2 days.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 17th


Great number but I weighed before dinner.

Changed my routine because we went out to dinner. Got home from work, walked on the treadmill for 50 minutes and burned 600 calories. I then took my shower  and then weighed myself. Usually its dinner, walk, shower then weigh myself.

Went to Aurelio's for pizza so I know that 182.8 was short lived. We will see what tomorrows results are.

Had a Cinch vanilla shake with cinnamon and pumpkin spice added for breakfast and a chocolate shake for lunch. We started work at 6 a.m. so we have breaks at 8 and  9:45. I had a peanut butter crunch snack bar and a lemon cranberry snack bar for those breaks

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 16th


Maybe I can move below 184 tomorrow.

Had Cinch shake for breakfast and lunch. Had a snack bar for morning break and mini oranges for afternoon break. Had leftover beef and broccoli for dinner. Mixed chocolate Cinch with the cafe latte Cinch for breakfast for a chocolate cafe latte. Very good.

Walked on the treadmill after dinner for 48 minutes and burned 600 calories.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 15th


Too many potato wedges for dinner.

Quit doing any walking at work during lunch. Won't be able to do it next week anyway because I'll be working 12 hour days in the field. May work to my advantage anyway for weight loss.

Walked on the treadmill for 47 minutes and burned 505 calories.

Had a Cinch chocolate shake for breakfast and a vanilla shake for lunch. Had a lemon snack bar for morning break and two mini oranges for afternoon break.

Gonna try to lose a couple pounds this weekend with Thanksgiving coming up next week.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 14th


Broke the 185 barrier. I weighed myself this morning before work and weighed 184.4. At the weigh in for the"Biggest Loser" contest I weighed in at 187.4 with clothes on minus shoes. That's 4 1/2 pounds less than last weigh in. Should be enough to keep my lead.

Changed things up a little bit today. I had a meal bar for breakfast, a Cinch shake for lunch, and ground beef burritos for dinner. Also had a snack bar for A.M. break and an apple for afternoon break. Having a glass of grape juice right now before I go to bed.

Walked on the treadmill for 53 minutes and burned 605 calories.

I want to lose 6 more pounds in the contest. That's only 1.5 pounds a week till the final weigh in in 4 weeks. I may not do anymore walking at lunch but continue to walk on the treadmill or outside weather permitting.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 13th


Same as yesterday, was hoping to drop below 185.  Have not had anything since dinner and won't eat anything before bed. I am sure I'll lose a few ounces by the time I weigh in tomorrow.

Walked the stairs at work during lunch and burned 650 calories on the treadmill in an hour. That's one reason I thought I would weigh less.

Had a Cinch shake for breakfast and for lunch. Also had a chocolate snack bar for morning break. Had beef and broccoli for dinner. I had 2 helpings so that may have kept me from weighing under 185.

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 12th


Can't remember when I weighed anything close to this weight.

Back in the shop tomorrow. Will probably walk the stairs at lunch time. Then the treadmill after dinner. Should be able to drop below 185 for Wednesdays weigh in.

Had a Cinch vanilla shake for breakfast, a lemon cranberry snack bar for break and a peanut butter chocolate chip meal-in-a-bar for lunch. Had a sloppy joe and cottage cheese for dinner.

Did 42 minutes on the treadmill and burned 500 calories.

Four weeks to lose 7 pounds for the "Biggest Loser" contest.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 11th


Only 1/2 pound away from my Shaklee goal!

Had a busy day. Being my only day off this week I had a lot of things to catch up on chore wise.
Had to get them done in time to go to the craft show at Crete-Monee High School and help Linda break down her Shaklee booth.

Started the day with a Cinch Cafe Latte shake for breakfast. Took care of a few honey dos and then went for a 3 mile walk. Had a  Cinch Chocolate shake for lunch and finished the rest of my to do list. Helped Linda tear down and we went to Culvers for a burger. Walked for 45 minutes on the treadmill and burned 500 calories. Watched some football, took a shower, and weighed in at 185.6.

Would like to weigh 184 Wednesday morning for the"Biggest Loser" contest weigh in #3. Definitely within striking distance. 

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 10th


Good day. Good recovery from my pizza gorged Friday.

Got home from work and walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes and burned 515 calories.

Had a cafe latte Cinch shake in the morning, a blueberry almond crisp meal bar for lunch and a sloppy joe for dinner. Then went out to friends place for snacks and wine.

Weigh in this week at work for the "Biggest Loser" contest. Four more weeks left to compete for most percent of weight lost.

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 9th


Had pizza for dinner. Not just any pizza but Aurelio's pizza, my favorite. Lucky I only gained a pound.

Walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes when we got home from the restaurant. Burned 540 calories.   Had a cafe latte shake for breakfast, lemon snack bar for break and a peanut butter chocolate chip meal-in-a-bar for lunch.

Supplements I have after dinner are:

Garlic Complex                                                                                                                                    Saw Palmetto Complex
Omega Guard

Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet -November 8th


Streak of steady losses going. One half to 3/4 of a pound a day.

 Started my day with the usual Cinch shake, chocolate snack bar for break, blueberry almond crisp meal-in-a-bar for lunch, and leftover chicken fajita for dinner.

Again I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes and burned 525 calories.

Besides the Cinch weight management products, I also take some of Shaklee's vitamins and supplements.  Vitamins I take in the morning with my shake are:

Cinch 3-in-1 boost
Alfalfa Complex
Joint Health Complex
Vitalizer Gold Multi-vitamin

Tomorrow I'll list what supplements I take after dinner.

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 7th


so far so good. Three pounds to go to my cinch goal, ten pounds to my biggest loser goal and 5 weeks to do it.

Started my day with the usual Cinch shake, lemon snack bar for break, blueberry almond crisp meal-in-a-bar for lunch, and sloppy joe for dinner. Blueberry almond bar was very good and filled me up.

Walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes and burned 525 calories after dinner.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet -November 6th


Getting back to where I was.

Had the peanut butter chocolate chip meal-in-a-bar. Not bad. I thought the peanut butter might be over bearing but it wasn't.

Had fajita's for dinner, then hit the treadmill for 45 minutes and burned 525 calories.

Gonna be a good week.

Monday, November 5, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 5th


Not too bad .... could have been worse.

Start on Santa's house tomorrow. Labor to put it up is a little more physical. Won't be able to walk at lunch like I do when I am in the shop, but should get a workout anyway.

Walked for 30 minutes at lunch today. Walked on the treadmill after dinner for 45 minutes and burned 525 calories.

Gonna change things up a little bit. I'm still going to have my Cinch shake in the morning, but for lunch I will have a Cinch meal-in-a-bar. Fills you up just like the shakes and has the protein, vitamins and minerals of the shakes. The flavors I'll be having for lunch are blueberry almond crisp and peanut butter chocolate chip. Never had them before, I'll let you know how I like them.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 4th


Great start to the day.

I usually weigh myself about the same time every day. That's in the evening before or after my shower. Today I walked 5 miles outside then blew some leaves to the curb. Took my shower about noon in preparation for Mike's birthday party.

There's gonna be a lot of tempting foods and drink. Dinner will be Beef tenderloin, mashed potato's, and broccoli. Then there's my favorite beer, Sam Adams, and of course the birthday cake.

I did start my day off with Cinch shakes for breakfast and lunch,

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 3rd


Pizza wasn't damaging.

Staying in that 188 range. Tomorrow will be a big challenge. My sons birthday party.
Hope I can keep the damage to a minimum so I'm not trying to lose weight to get back to where I was on Friday.

Shouldn't be hard to stay on track with my Cinch Diet this week. I'll be working outside putting up Santa's House at Daley Plaza. It will be physically demanding work.

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 2nd


Staid even.

Gonna be a tough weekend. Having pizza tonight and having a birthday celebration for my son. Always good food at our get togethers. Usually have 3 or 4 adult beverages.

Did my usual Cinch products.

Only walking I did was at lunch time at work. Half hour walk about 1 1/2 miles.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Shaklee Cinch Diet - November 1st


Just three and a half pounds away from my goal. The "Biggest Loser" contest goes till Dec. 12th. I'm going to stay in training and see how much I can lose by then. The owners of the company have added some monetary incentives to make it worth while.

Had a chocolate Cinch shake for breakfast and a vanilla one with cinnamon  and pumpkin spice added to it. Had a chocolate Cinch snack bar for morning break. Had chilli again for dinner.

Went shopping and looked for things I can add to the shakes for a different flavor. Bought some instant coffee to add to the chocolate and the vanilla to make chocolate and vanilla mocha shakes. I also got some orange extract to add to the vanilla for a dream cicle type flavor.